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The Impact of Social Media on Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD)

What is Narcissistic Personality Disorder?

Narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) is a complex mental health condition characterized with symptoms of extreme need for self- admiration, need for attention and inability to care about the feelings of others. An individual with narcissistic personality disorder also exhibits a grandiose sense of self- worth, self- centredness and are preoccupied with unrealistic fantasies of power, beauty, brilliance and success. A person with narcissistic traits face difficulties in many areas of life, such as relationships, work, family or society. Treatment for NPD often centres around psychotherapy and medication at the best psychiatric hospital. Research says that narcissistic personality disorder affects males more than females and begins typically around early adulthood.

Causes of Narcissistic Personality Disorder in Relation to Social Media Usage

The common causes of narcissistic personality disorder in relation to social media usage are:

  1. Social Comparison and Jealousy: Online platforms especially Instagram and tiktok often display idealized images of a person leading to a situation of comparison and jealousy, in turn causing narcissistic behaviour.
  2. Exposure to Validation- Seeking: Regular usage of social media can instil a sense of external validation where likes, comments, and shares often become a measure of self- worth, reinforcing narcissistic traits.
  3. Dependence of Digital Image: One can overly be attached to the digital version of himself/ herself through the manipulative image and the edited content of themselves displayed in social media causing them to detach from the reality and form fake identity.
  4. Reinforcement of Superiority Complex: Social media can make one feel superior to others by showcasing their best moments and achievements through idealized images leading to a grandiose sense of self- worth and importance.
  5. Vulnerability to Criticism: Lack of validation and negative feedback can cause an individual to have a feeling of rejection, further driving their thoughts to maintain a perfect image of their lives and seek admiration leading to narcissistic behaviour.

The Impact of Social Media on Narcissistic Personality Disorder

Social media has created a platform for showcasing how one expresses and perceives themselves along with the way one interacts and builds connections with people around the world. Social media platforms are regarded as platforms for validation seeking, social comparison and self- promotion especially for individuals with narcissistic personality disorder. The impact of social media on narcissistic personality disorder are as follows:

  1. The Role of Likes, Comments, Shares and Followers in Causing Narcissistic Traits: Likes and comments on social media provide immediate feedback to the individual that their idealized picture is appreciated, often acting as a form of social approval. Each like, comment and increase in followers boost the self- esteem and confidence of the individual leading to social media addiction where online presence is valued more than offline interaction. Likes and comments can also cause excess love for oneself, causing narcissistic personality disorder.
  2. Narcissistic Supply and Social Media Platforms: Narcissistic supply often refers to the attention and validation that an individual with mental health disorders crave from others. Social media platforms allow access of millions of followers around the globe in their own vicinity serving as a source of external validation. This attention seeking behaviour may motivate them to post more frequently and ultimately cause a sense of narcissistic behaviour in the person.
  3. Artificial Appearance and the Drive for Perfection: Social media sites allow for the use of filters and edited versions of oneself that can depict one’s appearance as idealized with specific facial features, skin tone, overall appearance and makeup to fit the conventional beauty standard. Individuals with narcissistic personality disorders often view themselves through the lens of their physical appearance, forgetting the internal qualities or personal values. They objectify themselves by being obsessed to their self- image on social media affecting the relationships and communication. Social media, can therefore become a constant source of anxiety and hamper the self- esteem of a person leading to mental health issues rather than a source of self- expression.
  4. Influencer Culture Leading to Narcissistic Traits: Influencer culture on social media where individuals gain fame by exposing their glamorous lifestyles, further leads to narcissistic personality disorder. This influencer culture can motivate them to strive for fame, followers and attention as a way of achieving success and measuring self- worth.

Management Techniques for Narcissistic Personality Disorder with a Focus on Social Media

The management techniques for narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) are:

  1. Digital Detox and Boundary Management as a Treatment Technique: Taking regular breaks from social media and setting limits on usage can help reduce the likelihood of online validation.
  2. Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) used in a Mental Hospital: Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) in a mental hospital helps an individual to challenge and change the distorted and the negative thought pattern about online admiration and fame into positive thoughts of self- acceptance.
  3. Mindfulness and Emotional Regulation to reduce Narcissistic Traits: Psychiatric hospitals often teach mindfulness techniques such as meditation and deep breathing exercises to feel relaxed and manage emotions attached to social media. This technique helps in reducing impulsivity and stress related to the online world.
  4. Psychoeducation for Individuals and Families with Narcissistic Personality Disorder: Educating the individuals with NPD about seeking treatment at the right mental health clinic may help reduce the impact of online validation and comparison. Alongside, families can be taught about how to behave with their loved ones suffering from mental disorder which will help to reduce the conflict within the family.
  5. Social Skills Training at a Rehab Centre: A rehabilitation centre can engage a person with social skills training and empathy building through proper structure to improve real- world relationships and build healthier communications. This will help to reduce the impact of social networking sites on relational dynamics.

Athena Behavioral Health as the Best Treatment Centre for Narcissistic Personality Disorder in India

Athena Behavioral Health in Delhi, NCR, India provides a holistic and specialized approach to the treatment of narcissistic personality disorder, combining evidence- based treatment therapies with individualized care to address the complexities of the disorder. Treatment at the best near me rehabilitation centre include individual therapy such as dialectical behaviour therapy and cognitive behavioral therapy to change the negative thought pattern of online behaviour and increase self- awareness. Mental health hospitals also provide group therapies in a supporting and a nurturing environment where individuals are trained on social skills. Family therapy and psychoeducation at a mental hospital for narcissistic personality disorder help address the relationship dynamics for fostering a sense of belongingness and support at home. Psychoeducation at ABH help patients understand the disorder, its effects on overall well- being and the treatment techniques. Athena Behavioral Health also offers strategy techniques to limit the online behaviour, including digital detox treatment and setting healthy boundaries. To connect to ABH, dial at 9289086193 or email at


Social networking sites have become powerful tools for narcissistic traits, especially for individuals with narcissistic personality disorder. Social media provides constant opportunities for self- promotion, seeking validation, social comparison, and allowing individuals to engage in the negative traits of narcissism. The online world though offers short term boost to self- esteem and self- love, however, they ultimately lead to a cycle of jealousy, dissatisfaction and drive for perfection. Understanding and recognizing the impact of social media on narcissistic traits, mental health clinics can address these dynamics and guide individuals towards positive and healthy behaviours.


  1. Which are the primary social media platforms that exacerbate narcissistic personality disorder more than others?

Platforms such as instagram and tiktok encourage public interaction and depict explicit visual content, primarily exacerbate narcissistic personality disorder because of its focus on appearance and popularity.

  1. Can social media addiction be a sign of narcissistic personality disorder?

Yes, social media addiction can often be a sign of narcissistic personality disorder, as individuals often strive for an excessive need for admiration and validation.

  1. Can someone with narcissistic trait use social media in a healthy way?

Yes, one with narcissistic trait can use social media in a healthy way if proper guidance and boundary set up is taught in early stage focusing on authentic interaction.

  1. Can digital detox help to reduce narcissistic behaviour?

Digital detox can help to reduce narcissistic behaviour by limiting the exposure to constant validation and comparison.

  1. How can family members support a person with NPD who is addicted to social media use?

Family members can support the individual by providing right amount of education on social media habits, fostering an open dialogue about online behaviour and encouraging offline activities.

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