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Rehab for Alcohol Addiction: What You Need to Know

What can I expect from a rehab facility? How can I determine whether a rehab for alcohol addiction can aid in improving my mental health? What should I consider when seeking an alcohol addiction rehab?

The blog below aims to provide answers to all these questions. We aim to assist you and your loved ones in locating the appropriate support to successfully embark on a new journey!

Alcohol Addiction: Overview

People have consumed alcohol as a beverage throughout the world, time, and ages; however, excessive consumption of this same beverage can become life-threatening. We can explain alcohol addiction as the compulsive need to use alcohol. We can observe the impact of alcohol addiction in diverse ways, including social relationships, occupational functioning, and activities of daily living. Alcohol can impact an individual in various ways.

  • It impairs cognitive functioning, specifically the thinking process.
  • This may lead to hallucinations and delusions
  • Stomach concerns, such as ulcers and gastritis, are prevalent.
  • Liver-related issues include fatty liver and cirrhosis.
    It can further damage nerve endings, leading to tremors or numbness.

If, after a long time, the individual ceases consumption of alcohol, they may also experience withdrawal symptoms such as immense craving, negative emotional state, and uneasy feeling.

If an individual or their loved ones are experiencing signs and symptoms of alcohol addiction or withdrawal, seeking professional help can help promote the recovery journey.

Rehabilitation for Alcohol Addiction

  • Early intervention through a proper rehabilitation process is crucial to minimize further damage from alcohol addiction. Rehabilitation entails obtaining professional assistance through inpatient treatment in a secure and nurturing setting. We can understand alcohol rehabilitation as the method of treating alcohol dependency through medical and psychotherapeutic treatment.
  • Rehab for alcohol addiction can be most suitable for those individuals who continue to abuse alcohol despite facing severe consequences themselves, such as losing their job, broken family relationships, health issues, and so on.At a rehabilitation center, one can expect a systematic detoxification process, rehab facility, and sobriety maintenance.

Advantages of Alcohol Rehab Center

  • While each rehabilitation center may have its own facilities, certain common benefits, especially of the prestigious rehab centers, can include:

Structured Support

While each rehabilitation center may have its own unique facilities, the prestigious rehab centers often offer certain common benefits.

Minimising Negative Influence

Each person can be different, and for each individual, the trigger for consuming alcohol may vary. Rehab centers strive to minimize these triggers to facilitate a smooth healing process.

Consistent Support

You can receive round-the-clock support from expert professionals at a renowned rehab center such as Athena Behavioral Health in Delhi NCR, India.

Diverse Therapeutic Options

Individuals can explore the different paths to healing through a variety of modalities, such as expressive arts therapy and talk therapy, wherein professionals may use cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) or alternative therapies such as yoga and meditation.

Managing Withdrawal Symptoms

As one ceases to use alcohol, they may experience withdrawal symptoms, and with the right professional support, coping with these can be much easier.

Relapse Prevention, Aftercare

Even after discharge, the team of professionals would help the individual maintain their wellness through continuous support. The team shall take the best possible measures to prevent relapse and maintain sobriety.

Alcohol Rehab Program

The rehabilitation program for alcohol addiction can involve several steps depending upon the individual’s concerns, comorbid illnesses, and the rehab center’s facilities. Here are a few examples of these steps:

Initial Assessment

Appropriate assessment procedures aid in gaining a comprehensive understanding of the individual’s concerns, thereby facilitating the development of a treatment process. The assessment may encompass various methods such as observation, interviewing, collecting case histories, and conducting psychological assessments, among others.

Individualised Treatment Plan

Professionals can develop a treatment plan based on their assessment and diagnosis. A counselor or cA counselor or case manager can assist in better understanding the specific treatment plan and The treatment plan often encompasses the following common aspects:

  • Consultation with a psychiatrist
  • Individual counselling sessions
  • Group counselling sessions
  • Family counselling sessions
  • Life-skills training program
  • Engagement in recreational activities
  • Psychoeducation about diverse aspects of the treatment plan as and when needed

The Journey to Sobriety Begins with Athena Behavioral Health

Athena Behavioral Health is one of the leading mental health hospitals in Delhi, NCR, India, with a comprehensive team of experienced mental health professionals. Here, you can find expert guidance for coping with alcohol addiction.

Depending upon the individual’s concerns, our team would assess, diagnose, and suggest a suitable treatment plan. A specially developed continuing care program is also available to minimize relapse and maximize wellness.

We understand that seeking help takes a lot of courage, and we appreciate your strength to reach out! In case you have any concerns or queries regarding the treatment process for alcohol addiction, please feel free to connect with us via mail at or by calling us at +91 9289086193, and one of our experts will assist you promptly!


What can be the withdrawal symptoms that a person may experience?

The withdrawal symptoms can include shaky hands, nausea, sweating, headaches, sleep difficulties, etc.

What can be some ways to assess if a person is a social drinker or addicted to alcohol?

Alcohol addiction can be assessed based on different parameters such as the amount consumed, impact experienced, control over drinking habits, and other factors. It is better to seek professional help for a proper assessment and additional guidance.

Do rehab facilities provide flexible payment and insurance coverage?

Some rehab facilities do provide flexible payment options and can have tie-ups with insurance companies to minimize financial strain. It is better to speak with one’s healthcare provider to ensure transparency in communication regarding the treatment procedure and associated costs.

As a part of the rehab facility, is the family allowed to meet the individual?

Depending on the severity of concerns and the need to ensure everyone’s safety, each rehab facility may have different policies; however, family visits typically have specific visiting hours. The treatment process at Athena Behavioral Health also encourages family counseling.

Are medications a mandatory part of the rehabilitation process?

The need for medication is determined by a psychiatrist’s consultation and may differ from person to person.

Also Read:

How to Find the Best Addiction Rehab Center Near You
Role of Therapy in Drug And Alcohol Rehab Facilities
Understanding Addiction: Nearby Rehab Centers Can Help
Alcohol as a Depressant and Its Impact on Mental Health


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