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Separation Anxiety: Women’s Fear and Thoughts When Apart

Separation anxiety usually occurs in babies between 8 and 12 months old and mostly disappears around age.

However, it is important to note that the condition can also occur in adults, particularly in females. When females start feeling anxiety in a romantic bond, it leads to a feeling of constant panic or fear about losing their partner.

Worrying about their relationship, getting nervous, or, to some extent, feeling insecure is normal. However, when these feelings start controlling your mind, begin to affect your well-being, and negatively impact your daily life, the chances of you dealing with separation anxiety from your partner are high.

Symptoms of Separation Anxiety Disorder

 More specifically, this type of separation anxiety involves some of the following symptoms:

  • You have persistent negative thoughts about your partner experiencing an accident, injury, death, or any other unfortunate event that could cause separation.
  • An intrusive thought threatens to separate you from your partner.
  • Feel uncomfortable and afraid in his absence, especially while traveling alone.
  • Keep track of where he is, when he will return, and when you will be apart. In these circumstances, you experience intense anxiety and stress.
  • It’s hard to sleep without him.
  • Lack of concentration at work. Your inability to concentrate on any task stems from your constant concern for his safety.
  • Dreadful thoughts, such as the possibility that he will end the relationship, are present.
  • The mere thought of an impending separation can cause stomach upset, headaches, or disrupt your sleep cycle.

Root Causes of Relationship Separation Anxiety

While the condition may affect each person differently, the following are some common root causes:

Childhood Experience

Sometimes the experiences you had as a child profoundly impact you, making it difficult to trust others in any relationship.

If your parents didn’t provide the necessary attention as a child, failed to meet most of your needs, or didn’t spend much time with you, trusting them in any relationship can be difficult.

 Any trauma or uninvited changes

Losing a loved one can make you think about losing your partner or your own death.

Relationship factors

If you have tasted a bad relationship in the past or got cheated, then thoughts of the same occurring repeatedly also trigger separation anxiety.

There are several strategies you can implement to cope with SAD.

For different individuals, there are different ways to deal with SAD. Some common strategies that can assist many individuals are:

  • Give some space. If you have a habit of constantly checking on what they are doing, you should limit it and make it minimal.

    You can send a message in the morning or a call during lunch to check their well-being and try to focus on your task. You can also keep your phone out of your reach. This may help you with other activities.

  • Focus on spending quality time instead of quantity.
  • Try to have an open and honest talk. Discuss your concerns and feelings.
  • Do not sideline your needs. You should give ample importance to your physical and emotional well-being. It will not only automatically vanquish your stress, but it will also help you manage it better.
  • You should take ”me time” and use it to do things that make you happy.
  • Focus on physical activities and healthy meals; they keep you energetic and help keep you calm.
  • Cognitive behavioral therapy, an approach that assists in inspecting, questioning, and replacing twisted thoughts, progressive exposure or systematic desensitization, and contemplation and awareness exercises are some of the common therapies used to treat SAD.

Seek Help from a Professional

If you feel that your symptoms of separation anxiety last for more than a couple of months, you should immediately consult a mental health professional.

You can either search for a counseling therapist near me or anxiety treatment near me. If you stay in Delhi, NCR, then you can book an appointment for consultancy at India’s best mental hospital, Athena Behavioral Health.

You can reach us through email at or call us at +91 9289086193. We are NABH certified. Our therapist will do some initial assessments and ask a few questions before suggesting any treatment program. The medical expert can guide you to explore solutions to feel secure, connected, and comfortable with each other and yourself.

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