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Is Super Active Child Dealing With ADHD?

Everyone wants their child to be active, and at present, when the competition is so high, parents enroll their kids in different extracurricular activities.

While they want their kids to learn something new, they also want them to perform well overall. However, it is important that the parents understand that there is a difference between being an active child and a hyperactive child.

Switching from one activity to another

For a super-active child, it is hard to switch from one activity to another.

For instance, if the child is reading and his parents ask him to join them for dinner, it gets difficult for the child to stop and move.

If they are watching TV and they are asked to go and play, then it is very difficult for them to stop the current activity and transit to the next.

They show hyperactivity in every situation.

Usually, there are complaints about such kids, as they do not sit on their seats and move here and there in class irregularly or unsteadily.

It is also true that super-active kids are playful in certain places and not everywhere. They listen to and obey what they are asked to do.

For instance, in school, when the teacher tells them something to do, they do it. In simple words, it is easy for them to manage their energy.

Understanding ADHD and its Causes

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by symptoms of inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity.

These symptoms often interfere with functioning or development and are evident in various settings, such as home, school, or work.

ADHD generally affects children and can persist into adulthood, impacting educational achievements, employment, and relationships.

The exact causes of ADHD are not fully understood, but it is believed to be caused by a combination of genetic, neurological, and environmental factors.

While ADHD may run in families, sometimes there are specific genes involved in the regulation of neurotransmitters, such as dopamine, that are linked to the disorder.

Neurologically, individuals with ADHD may have structural differences in the brain, particularly in areas related to attention and executive function, such as the prefrontal cortex.

Environmental factors can also contribute to the development of ADHD. Exposure to toxins like lead, maternal smoking or alcohol use during pregnancy, premature birth, and low birth weight are potential risk factors.

Additionally, psychosocial factors, such as family stress, can exacerbate symptoms but are not considered primary causes.

Recovery from ADHD

For parents to help their child deal with ADHD, it is important to create a schedule for their child in a manner that will be easy for him to follow and has the right sequence.

Make sure that you keep that sequence intact and help him follow it religiously every day. The sequence should include his wake-up time, breakfast time, lunch time, playtime, homework time, etc.

Write changes to the schedule as far as possible in advance.

Try to praise the child for his small achievements and his good behavior. Doing so will help to motivate him. Do not react instantly or criticize them if they make any mistakes.

All his belongings should be well organized, and parents and teachers both need to be very clear when asking them to do something.

Make sure that the way you ask them should have a pattern, because they will only follow the way you ask them.

Do not wait too long if you think that your child is showing symptoms of ADHD and that they are increasing with each passing day.

Simply call and get an appointment with one of the top mental health centers in Delhi, NCR, or nearby mental hospitals.

You can reach out to Athena Behavioral Health, and they will provide the best care needed by kids with their team of skilled staff and best health experts. They understand the amount of care a child needs and, accordingly, devise a treatment plan.

If you would like to get a consultation on treatment facilities from a professional, please reach us through email at or call us at +91 9289086193. It is our privilege to take the pain out of yours!

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