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Overcoming Stigma: Mental Health Awareness in Workplace

In recent years, mental health awareness in the workplace is a primary focus of discussion for all employees and workers. Despite the growing awareness of the need for quality mental health care, stigma continues to persist causing discrimination in the workplace and difficulty in maintaining employment relationships. A stigma is a negative belief or attitude about any mental, physical or social feature of a community, a person or a group of people often implied as social disapproval.  Stigma can lead to poor productivity, absenteeism and negative attitude towards seeking the right help from a mental hospital. This article with help you understand the impact of mental health stigma at workplace along with the practical solutions to overcome them.

The Impact of Mental Health Stigma on Workplace

Stigma surrounding mental health comes from the misconceptions and societal attitudes that have historically marginalized mental health disorders. Many workers fear that disclosing their mental health problems may often lead to discrimination, societal isolation, reduced opportunities at workplace and loss of job.

Mental health stigma in the workplace can take many forms, such as:

  1. Discrimination at the Workplace: Stigma attached to mental health can cause discrimination at the workplace such as employees may be unfairly judged, criticized, excluded from group activities, and not given promotion despite their ability to perform well.
  2. Workplace Isolation: Employees with mental health disorders may feel uncomfortable discussing their condition with others which may in turn lead to a feeling of isolation and prevail a situation of silence, worsening the condition.
  3. Lack of Support Causing Mental Health Challenges: Many workplaces lack adequate mental health resources or the support services which is required causing employees to remain without help for a longer duration of time.

These factors can cause lower productivity in the organization, increased absenteeism and higher rates of turn over.

Recognizing and Addressing Mental Health Stigma at Workplace

To foster a supportive and a nurturing environment at the workplace with lower levels of mental health stigma, the following techniques can be used:

  1. Providing Psychoeducation and Training on Mental Health Stigma: Educating the staffs and the manager on mental health stigma, its causes and impacts, may help reduce the myths and stigma attached to mental health disorders. Providing the right mental health training can help build a culture of understanding and awareness, providing employees with the knowledge of supporting each other through the struggle of the difficulties. Workshops, conferences, discussion sessions and seminars on mental health stigma and awareness must be organized on a daily basis, resulting in the reduction of the symptoms of depression, lower levels of anxiety and other psychological stresses. Training should also be provided to the HR professionals who serve as the primary source of contact for employees facing mental health challenges.
  2. Creating a Culture of Openness at the Workplace: Mental health stigma can be best reduced by creating a culture of openness and dialogue where employees are free to discuss their mental health issues. Encouraging dialogues on mental health can help normalize the necessity to seek mental health disorders and reduce the feeling of embarrassment and shame. Regular discussions on mental health and well- being through group discussions or meetings can make it easier for employees to talk about their difficulties without the fear of being judged.
  3. Implementing Mental Health Policies and Support System at Workplace: Mental hospitals and organizations in India can implement clear and feasible policies that prioritize the well- being of employees. Organizations should outline mental health programs and support systems such as Employee Assistance Programs, mental health leaves and flexible working hours. Employee assistance programs provide counselling services to its employees dealing with personal and work life difficulties. Mental health leaves can indicate that mental well- being is as crucial and as important as physical health.
  4. Promoting Work- Life Balance: Workplace stress is a major contributor for mental health disorders such as depression, anxiety and stress. Workplace should encourage employees to set clear boundaries between work life and personal life, flexible working hours, and take regular break in between to avoid burnout and overworking. Organizations should also provide work from home opportunities that can help employees manage their mental health while attending therapy sessions and participating in self- care activities.
  5. Regular Evaluation of Programs at the Organization: Organizations should regularly evaluate their policies and progresses. Gathering feedbacks from workers through surveys or group discussions can help identify areas of problem and improvement and implement better mental health awareness programs.
  6. Encouraging Peer Support Network: Creating an environment of support where dialogues are heard and mutual understanding among its peers are encouraged, can help reduce the feeling of isolation and foster a sense of togetherness among workers. Peer support groups can also encourage mental health discussions and provide a safe space for employees enabling them to share their thoughts and personal experiences without being judged.

The Benefits of Reducing Mental Health Stigma at Workplace

An organization can avail a number of benefits by reducing the mental health stigma at workplace: These are:

  1. Increased Productivity at Workplace: By supporting and encouraging the employees for seeking the right treatment at a psychiatric hospital, an organization is more likely to be productive in their job roles.
  2. Reduced Absenteeism of Employees: Mental health stigma may lead employees asking for leave longer than required, reducing the stigma attached to mental health with appropriate resources, an employee may treat the mental disorder and return back to work.
  3. Lower Turnover Rates: Supporting mental health helps reduce burnout helping workplaces retain valuable employees.
  4. Improved Work Ethics: An environment which prioritized mental health difficulties creates a positive culture where employees are loved, cared, heard and valued.

Athena Behavioral Health as the Best Treatment Centre in India

Athena Behavioral Health in Gurgaon (Delhi NCR), India believes in creating a stigma free work environment which is highly important for promoting mental health awareness and well- being of employees. Despite the growing awareness of mental health, stigma and discrimination continues to persist resulting in a number of employees not seeking the support, care and treatment at the psychiatric hospital in India. This lack of treatment leads to reduced productivity, increased absenteeism, and higher turnover rates. Athena Behavioral Health also helps an organization and its employees create a culture of openness with structured mental health awareness programs and counselling sessions to break down stigma. By prioritizing mental health, an organization not only create a positive environment but also a productive environment where each employee can thrive both professionally and personally. To contact Athena Behavioral Health, refer to the phone at 9289086193 or email at


Overcoming mental health stigma in the workplace requires persistent effort from the management and workers together. An organization can foster a culture of openness and communication and implement mental health policies which will help in establishing a stronger and resilient work environment. Overcoming the stigma attached to mental health and well- being is the first step in creating a secure environment where mental disorders are treated and one can thrive both personally and professionally.


  1. What role does virtual reality (VR) as a therapy play in reducing mental health issues?

Virtual reality (VR) offers immersive experience for mindfulness and relaxation helping employees to reduce stress, burnout and explore mental health strategies in a controlled environment.

  1. Can animal therapy improve mental health in a workplace?

Yes, animal therapy can be used in some organizations to heal mental health challenges of employees as interacting and communicating with animals is known to reduce stress, anxiety, and promote a soothing environment with peace.

  1. How can food and nutrition effect workplace mental health?

Providing nutritious food for employees at workplace can promote mental health clarity and reduce stress. Healthy and balanced diet is liked to improve mood and cognitive function along with overall mental health of the individual.

  1. Can music help in the healing process of mental health difficulties of employees in the workplace?

Music in the workplace can enhance mood and reduce the feeling of depression. Come organizations provide music therapy to its employees as a part of mental health programs.

  1. Can allowing employees to work from unconventional locations such as cafes and parks impact mental health?

Allowing flexible locations of work such as lake side, parks and cafes can help reduce the monotony of the work environment. Working at unconventional locations can encourage creativity and provide mental refreshment, positively impacting the mental health of employees.

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